François Tochon


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Madison, Wisconsin 53706 USA

Tochon, François

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François Victor Tochon is a Professor heading World Language Education and French Education, 75% in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction and 25% in the Department of French & Italian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, and has received six Honorary Doctorates and Honorary Professorships. With 48 books and 280 articles and book chapters to his credit, Professor Tochon is published in 14 languages and has been Visiting Professor in 21 countries. President of the International Network for Language Education Policy Studies and President of the Deep Education Institute, Prof. Tochon was awarded the medal of the Council Chairperson of the Lions Club International for Service to Humanity. In 2017-2018, while International Ambassador for isIPAL in Australia, he organized a bi-continental conference on migration and school inclusion, sponsored by the Spencer Foundation, at Wisconsin-Madison and Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle.


  • PhD Education, Educational Psychology, University of Ottawa, 1997
  • PhD Didactique (Applied Linguistics, Curriculum and Instruction of French), Laval University, 1990
  • C.A.P.E.S. Postgraduate Secondary teaching license, Teaching of French, Geneva Institute for Studies in Education, 1983
  • Certificate English, King's College of Further Education, 1981
  • Licence ès Lettres French Literature & Semiotics, Linguistics, Neuchâtel University, 1980
  • Postsecondary Music, Union of Geneva Conservatories, 1974
  • Maturité fédérale, Secondary Degree, Type B Classics and Sciences, 12 disciplines, Rousseau College, 1973

Select Creative Works

  • Tochon, François Victor (scenarist, cameraperson, presenter), & Druc, Tochon Isabelle. (interviewer, editor), "Druc, I.C., & Tochon, F.V. (2012). Efes," Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI: WCER, U.S. Department of Education,, Madison, Wi. (January 1, 2009 - 2012).
  • Tochon, François Victor (scenarist, cameraperson, presenter), & Druc, Tochon Isabelle. (interviewer, editor), "Druc, I.C., & Tochon, F.V. (2012). Family values in Turkey," Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI: WCER, U.S. Department of Education,, Madison, Wi. (January 1, 2009 - 2012).
  • Tochon, François Victor (scenarist, cameraperson, presenter), & Druc, Tochon Isabelle., "Druc, I.C., & Tochon, F.V. (2012). Health in Turkey: Interview with Hakan Boyer," Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI: WCER, U.S. Department of Education,, Madison, Wi. (January 1, 2009 - 2012).
  • Tochon, François Victor (scenarist, cameraperson, presenter), & Druc, Tochon Isabelle., "Druc, I.C., & Tochon, F.V. (2012). Health in Turkey: Interview with Süleyman Çaylı," Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI: WCER, U.S. Department of Education,, Madison, Wi. (January 1, 2009 - 2012).
  • Tochon, François Victor (scenarist, cameraperson, presenter), & Druc, Tochon Isabelle. (interviewer, editor), "Druc, I.C., & Tochon, F.V. (2012). Health in Turkey: Interview with Özkan Ateş," Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI: WCER, U.S. Department of Education,, Madison, Wi. (January 1, 2009 - 2012).
  • Tochon, François Victor (scenarist, cameraperson and editor), & Druc, Tochon Isabelle. (interviewer), "Druc, I.C., & Tochon, F.V. (2012). Interview with Ali Çolak," Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI: WCER, U.S. Department of Education,, Madison, Wi. (January 1, 2009 - 2012).
  • Tochon, François Victor (scenarist, cameraperson, presenter), & Druc, Tochon Isabelle. (interviewer, editor), "Druc, I.C., & Tochon, F.V. (2012). Interview with Burçin Cem Abacıoğlu," Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI: WCER, U.S. Department of Education,, Madison, Wi. (January 1, 2009 - 2012).
  • Tochon, François Victor (scenarist, cameraperson, presenter), & Druc, Tochon Isabelle. (interviewer, editor), "Druc, I.C., & Tochon, F.V. (2012). Interview with Ece Postalcı," Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI: WCER, U.S. Department of Education,, Madison, Wi. (January 1, 2009 - 2012).
  • Tochon, François Victor (scenarist, cameraperson, presenter), & Druc, Tochon Isabelle. (interviewer, editor), "Druc, I.C., & Tochon, F.V. (2012). Interview with Emel Aksoy," Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI: WCER, U.S. Department of Education,, Madison, Wi. (January 1, 2009 - 2012).
  • Tochon, François Victor (scenarist, cameraperson, presenter), & Druc, Tochon Isabelle. (interviewer, editor), "Druc, I.C., & Tochon, F.V. (2012). Interview with Eser Ökten (Video)," Deep Approach to Turkish Teaching and Learning, Madison, WI: WCER, U.S. Department of Education,, Madison, Wi. (January 1, 2009 - 2012).

Select Media Contributions

  • Francois Victor Tochon, Streaming Audio and Video, Educational Technologies for a Deep, Project-Based Approach to Language Teaching and Learning. (February, 2011). Media Link
    Keynote lecture of the Language Institute at Columbia University. Streaming audio and video on the UC internal website, and articles posts.
  • Tochon, F. V., Wisconsin State Journal, Part-Time Language Immersion Works. (February, 2009).
    Response to parents' and public questioning about the Waunakee immersion program.

Select Publications

  • Tochon, F., & Timm, Y. (2019). Integration of International Chinese Language Education in the U.S. Historical Overview and Case Study. International Chinese Language Education Beijing, China:
  • Tochon, F. (In Press). Language Education Policy in The United States: A Hesitation Waltz. In M. Jiménez Raya, T. Lamb & B. Manzano Vázquez (Eds.), International Perspectives on Language Education Policy Frankfurt am Main & New York: Peter Lang.
  • Tochon, F. (2019). Teaching Languages and Cultures through A Deep, Non-formal Multiliteracy Approach. Research Innovator: International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Journal
  • Tochon, F., & Busciglio, D. (In Press). 深度教育跨越和超越学科 21 世纪超学科突破 (Deep Education Across the Disciplines and Beyond: A 21st Century Transdiciplinary Breakthrough). Blue Mounds, WI: Deep Education Press.
  • Tochon, F. (2019). Help them learn a language: Why we need a Deep Approach to World Languages and Cultures. Help them learn a language: Why we need a Deep Approach to World Languages and Cultures Beijing, China: Foreign Studies University Press.
  • Tochon, F. (In Press). Educational Globalization and the Creation of Split Identities. I. Liyanage & A. Walker (Eds.), Multilingual Education Yearbook – 2019: Media of Instruction & Multilingual Settings. New York: Springer International.
  • Tochon, F. (2019). 教育符号学:教育中的符号与象征 (Educational Semiotics: Signs and Symbols In Education). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.
  • Tochon, F. (2019). Decolonizing Foreign Language Education: The Misteaching of English and Other Imperial Languages. D. Macedo (Ed.), Decolonizing Foreign Language Education: The Misteaching of English and Other Colonial Languages, 360-372. New York: Routledge.
  • Tochon, F., & Auger, N. (2018). Espaces éducatifs plurilingues et multiculturels en milieu scolaire pour les enfants de la migration (Plurilingual and Multicultural Educational Spaces for Migration Children in the Schools). Blue Mounds, WI: Deep Education Press.
  • Tochon, F. (2018). The Turn Toward Deep Value. In M. Djuraeva & F. V. Tochon (Eds.), Language Policy or the Politics of Language: Re-imagining the Role of Language in a Neoliberal Society. (pp. 373-393). Blue Mounds, WI: Deep Education Press.

Select Presentations

  • Tochon, F. Language Education Policy and Semiotics. Lecture presented at the Annual meeting of the Semiotic Society of America, Portland, OR.
  • Tochon, F. Language Education Policy and Semiotics. Lecture presented at the Colloquium organized in collaboration with Tongji University (Shanghai), Madison, WI.
  • Tochon, F. Badges and University Accreditation for Start-up Universities. Lecture presented at the Asia Pacific Association for Multimedia-assisted Language Learning, with the collaboration of Florida International University, and International Lions University, Pyle Center, Madison, WI.
  • Tochon, F. Adapting Higher Education to the Wisdom of Zhuangzi. Lecture presented at the Zhuangzi Culture Research Association, Xiamen University, Fujian Province, China.
  • Tochon, F. Comment on recent trends in the field of hypervideo for educational training. Lecture presented at the Conference on Videotechnologies for Teacher education and Professional Development., Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Tochon, F. Paradoxes in Designing Online Open Instruction. Lecture presented at the , Suzhou, China.
  • Tochon, F. Language Categories, Education and Semiotics. Lecture presented at the , Tongji University, College of Foreign Language Studies.
  • Tochon, F. Educational Semiotics and Language Learning. Lecture presented at the Adult and Specialist Education, Springfield campus, Queensland, Australia.
  • Tochon, F. Teaching Languages and Cultures through A Deep, Non-formal Multiliteracy Approach. Keynote/Plenary Address presented at the International Conference on Teaching Language, Culture and Literature through Multimedia on "Teaching Language, Culture and Literature through Multimedia.”, Mumbai, India.

Select Awards and Honors

  • Honorary Professorship (higher award than Honorary Doctorate), Guangdong Foreign Studies University, Guangzhou, China, 2018
  • 2015 Excellence in Diversity Award, School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015
  • Honorary Doctorate, APAMALL International Conference on Multimedia Language Instruction, 2015
  • Eminent Scholar Award, University of Southern Queensland, Australia, 2015
  • Honorary Professor Award (higher award than Honorary Doctorate) and Life Appointment for outstanding Academic Achievements, President of Henan University of Technology in Zhengzhou, Henan, China, 2015
  • 2015 International Scholar Award, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China, 2015
  • Award of International Excellence for Outstanding Research, 6000 euros, University of Granada, Spain, 2012
  • Award of Best Review of Research, American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2010
  • “Huesped de Honor” (equivalent to an Honorary Doctorate), National University of Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina, 1993
  • “Professor Honorario” (higher award than Honorary Doctorate), Academic Vice-Provost of the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Lima, Peru, 1993