Nicole Louie
Assistant Professor
256a Teacher Education Building
225 N. Mills Street
Madison, WI 53706
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Nicole Louie is interested in how people define intelligence and who is allowed to be seen as “smart,” with particular emphasis on teachers of mathematics. Her research explores how teachers learn to challenge narrow, exclusionary views of intelligence and to support students to relate to one another as intellectual equals. Drawing on social theories of learning, she examines teachers’ interactions with one another and with students, as they are shaped by cultural and political discourses and ideologies.
- PhD Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology, University of California, Berkeley, 2015
- MA Teacher Education, Stanford University, 2005
- BA Urban Studies, Stanford University, 2004
Select Publications
- Louie, N. (2019). Agency discourse and the reproduction of hierarchy in mathematics education. Cognition and Instruction
- Skinner, A., Louie, N., & Baldinger, E. M. (2019). Learning to see students’ mathematical strengths. Teaching Children Mathematics, 25(6), 338-345.
- Louie, N. (2018). Culture and ideology in mathematics teacher noticing. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 97(1), 55-69.
- Louie, N. (2017). Supporting teachers’ equity-oriented learning and identities: A resource-centered perspective. Teachers College Record, 119(5), 1-42.
- Louie, N. (2017). The culture of exclusion in mathematics education and its persistence in equity-oriented teaching. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 28(5)
- Louie, N. (2016). Tensions in equity- and reform-oriented learning in teachers’ collaborative conversations. Teaching and Teacher Education, 53(1), 10-19.
- Nasir, N., Cabana, C., Shreve, B., Woodbury, E., & Louie, N. (2014). Mathematics for Equity: A Framework for Successful Practice.. New York City, NY: Teacher College Press.
Select Awards and Honors
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation, 2017
- Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Educational Research Association Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education, 2016
- Dissertation Fellowship, National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation, 2014
- Race, Diversity, and Educational Policy Fellowship, Haas Diversity Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, 2012